Dhing College accepts responsibility and pledges to seek at all times to maintain the highest standard of competence and good behavior. All the members of Dhing College community expect to engage in ethical behavior in all aspects of the college related activities. The institution is committed to maintain, endorse a culture of conduct that showcases excellence, intellectual openness, inclusiveness, justice, integrity, fairness, respect, equity and accountability. It expects students to uphold these standards in their day-to-day decisions, actions, and interactions. This Code of Conduct has been drawn up for the guidance of the teaching staff, non-teaching staff and students of the college in the performance of their duties.
The rules and regulations are meant to ensure that the conditions for effective teaching and learning are created and maintained in the college as well as to inspire public confidence in teachers. Code constitutes rules for regulating the conduct of teachers and students both inside and outside the classroom. Students continue to be subject to the laws of the land while at the campus, and violations of those laws may also constitute violations of the code. Students are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct. The code of conduct is necessary to mark the boundaries of this needed order. To this end, the college finds it necessary to codify certain norms that help it to achieve high standard of competence and good behavior.