ধিং মহাবিদ্যালয়




Dhing College , the premier higher educational institute of Dhing area in Nagaon district of Assam.

Dhing College founded in1965, is affiliated to Gauhati University for Arts and Science streams and Commerce (permitted). In the year 1965, a group of socially responsible and committed individuals with the generous help of the people of greater Dhing area strived hard and with a purpose to start a College at Dhing. They aimed at empowering the people of North-West part of Nagaon district providing the students to access higher education which has already transformed the educationally, economically and socially backward people so far deprived of getting higher education. The perseverance and sweat of the common men and the right and timely initiatives of their socially committed leaders have given Dhing its distinct place in the field of higher education and learning.

The College that began with a few students and fewer than ten teachers in a small house is now located on a seventy five - bigha area of sprawling two campuses in a serene atmosphere. The College came under 2(f) of UGC in 1971. In 1975, this institution of the common men was brought under the deficit grants-in-aid system by the Govt. of Assam. Since then, the College has grown from strength to strength. Science stream which was introduced in 1987 and thus, accessibility to higher education in Science became a reality. The poor but meritorious and disadvantaged students of this backward area tasted the advantage of Science education that opened up vast possibilities for pursuing advanced science & technology courses for bettering their own career and in terms of making their place economically and socially advanced. After eleven years of academic journey through financial constraints and other hurdles, the Science stream brought under the deficit grants-in-aid system in 1998. Late Digen Ch. Bora, the Ex. Minister of Govt. of Assam worked with a purpose and tremendous sense of commitment to help spreading Science education by his all outstanding efforts. The entire fraternity of Dhing College including the successive Governing Bodies have worked hard consistently to make Dhing College a centre of excellence of higher secondary and tertiary education.

The third academic stream Commerce was introduced in 2016. Today, Dhing College is a three-stream Institution delivering quality education and social services to the entire locality. The College established in 1965 has grown up into a complete institution through fifty six years of journey full of hardship, struggle, success and commitment. The Golden Jubilee celebrated in 2015 epitomized the meaningful existence of this institution

The College has adequate infrastructure for conducting regular academic activities; and also it has quality facilities for games & sports activities. A well-equipped library with digitalization and online Journals are available for learners during the working days. The College has its own solar plant for its energy requirements for the last eleven years.

In 2016, the College was awarded with B++Grade (2.82/3.00) by NAAC. With grants and funds received from the UGC, RUSA and State Govt., it has been possible to construct a first class aesthetic infrastructure to inspire and motivate students to achieve their cherished goals

As the future of the College depends on its present, we the College fraternity with the active support and good will of people cutting across all sections of society are committed to creating and maintaining high quality academic atmosphere in real time situations. There is no stopping in our life despite Covid-19 pandemic which hit hard education scenario for last two years.

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