ধিং মহাবিদ্যালয়



Ratnakanta Barkakati (Central) library

Dhing College Library was established in 1965.From the time of its establishment, library plays a crucial role to uplift academic services to the College. Now the library is located in a separate three storied building naming as Ratnakanta Barkakati (Central) Library (R.K.B. Library), Dhing College. It covers 690 sq.meter floor areas including well-equipped Reading Room.

Ratnakanta Barkakati Library is now fully well equipped computerized automated system library. All house-keeping operation is done through modern electronic device. All documents are bar coded including library membership card. SOUL 3.0 and D-Space software are used for digital Section. Our library provides maximum facility to user. All Students are categorized into two groups: General and BPL. General students can borrow two book(s) and poor/ BPL Students can borrow four book(s) at a time for 30 days without any library charge. All the members of Dhing College can access E-resources from anywhere or library digital section computer lab without paying any charge and also enjoy the smart class.

Besides these, Library is a registered Member of N-LIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) under UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium. All the member(s) have been allotted individually Login ID & Password for free accessing E-Resources (6000+ e-journals & 97000+ ebooks). So all the members of Dhing College can access 6000+ e-journals & 97000+ e-books at anytime from anywhere without paying any charge.

Collection: The Ratnakanta Barkakati Library of Dhing College has the following collection.:
Total Printed Books: 19, 419/-
  • News Papers: 06 Nos.
  • Journal : 08 Nos. (Printed)

Library is a heart of college. A college library should become an instrument of instruction. In order to determine, how far it has succeeded in achieving the objective, one should determine the extent to which the users (students and faculty) use the resources of the library as an integral part of the curriculum. In other words it means that teaching in the classroom must depend more on library than the text books. The library must become an integral part of teaching programme.

In the college, the aim of book selection is the mirror of academic work of the institution. The material which would serve the objectives of the college, i.e. fulfill the instructional and research needs of the students and the faculty would form the core of the working collection. The acquisition policy of a college library should be set down with reference to the actual and potential requirements of the library and institution of which the library is a part. Every library should have a “statement of book selection policy” as a basis for selecting materials and for use in explaining the library’s policy as well as the inclusion or exclusion of specific items. Such a policy statement strengthens the hand of the librarian and provides him with additional stimulus and encouragement to select suitable materials for implementing the objectives of the library.

A college library is expected to support the objectives of the college. Thus the basic function of a college library is to assist its parent body to carry out its programme. This means that it must adequately serve the needs and requirements of the teachers and students towards reading, study and research. This can be achieved, if facilities and services are made available towards this end.

The library should provide library facilities and services necessary for success of all formal programmes of instruction, open the door to the wide world of books that lies beyond the boundaries of one’s own field of qualification and bring books, students and scholars together under conditions which encourage reading for pleasure, self-discovery, personal growth and the sharpening of intellectual curiosity. The staff should be able to convert the library into an intellectual workshop and should along with teachers be in a position to teach with books.

Keeping in view this ideal, the college administrators should think of recognizing college libraries in such a way that librarians and teachers are in a position to perform the academic functions of the library and play an important role in the instructional programme.

Recent changes in educational philosophy, widening curricula, reform in examination systems, knowledge explosion and the developments in information technology have given an increase awareness of the role of libraries in higher education. College libraries are now to be considered an important resource existing to support teaching-learning process. Library is the largest and most expensive educational resource of the college. Such a complex network of sophisticated system maintained at huge cost should provide full information support to the teachinglearning process in the college as an adequate return on the capital invested. But a college library for its effectiveness requires its due position in the overall structure of the college. It also needs adequate staff; need based collections and sufficient funds.

The recent developments in the higher education scene necessitate a review and reform of the system for provision of library and information services in colleges which an important factor is determining the quality of teaching learning process.

Dr. Maniquz Zaman Chowdhury, Librarian, Dhing College

The following rules & regulations are in force in this library:

  • On Holidays: Closed
  • On Working days 10 A.M.- 4.30 P.M.
  • Before Examination days 10 A.M.- 4.30 P.M.
  • During Examination days 10 A.M.- 5 P.M.
  • During Vacation 10 A.M.- 4.30 P.M.

The above timings of the Library are subject to change from time to time which will duly be notified in the Notice Board of the Library/College


All members of the Dhing College are allowed admission in the library. In case of students, enrolment as member of the library is necessary. To get enrolled as member, all bonafied students shall have to collect Library Membership Form with fees, from the office of the library by showing original admission receipt. After collecting library Membership Form, he/she will have to fill up it correctly and submit to library as soon as the possible/date fixed by the library authority.

  • Each member shall be given one Barcode read Library Membership Card cum Library Membership Status Card for both General and BPL/Poor category students.
  • Membership Card shall be valid for an academic year only and can be renewed by filling up a fresh Membership Form and returning it to the library authority.
  • Students Members must come to the library personally and tender his/her Barcode read Membership Card at the circulation counter at the time of transaction.

A student who has lost membership card shall make a written report to the Library authority as soon as possible so that authority can hold/suspend it. Duplicate Membership Card shall be issued to him/her on payment of Rs.@ 25/- (twenty five rupees only).

  • Students desirous of using the library shall enter his/her name, class, Member Id legibly in the Gate Register.
  • Umbrellas, Bag(s) and other receptacles shall be left at the entrance at the property Counter. But they should not keep any valuable things like Money, Gold, Ornaments, and Mobile Phones etc. inside their bags while visiting the library. College/Library Authority will not be responsible for these things.
  • Mobile phone is strictly prohibited & Silence should be observed in the Library.
  • Spitting and Smoking are strictly prohibited.
  • No student shall write upon, damage or make any remark upon any book or any equipment belongs to the library.
  • A student shall be responsible for any damage done by him to the books of the library. He/She will be required to replace such book(s) or pay the price fixed by the authority. Before leaving the library each student shall return to the library staff any book taken by him/her to the reading room.
  • All the faculty Members of Dhing College are entitled to borrow 10 books at a time for 180 days (six months) and employee Staff Member are entitled to borrow 5 books at a time for 90 days.
  • Each General category student is entitled to borrow two books at a time and each BPL/Poor category student is entitled to borrow 4 books at a time for 21 days. There will be a Grace period for 9 days. So all the students can keep library book(s) in their hand for 30 days without paying any library fine/charge.
  • Return/Re-issue/Renewal of library book(s) is compulsory for all students within 30 days. If library book(s) is not Returned/Re-issued/Renewed within 30 days then he/she will not get the benefit of 9 days grace period.
  • If any student does not Return/Re-issue/Renew library book(s) within 30 days then he/she will have to pay Rs.@1/- rupee per day for per book.
  • Periodical publication, Dictionary and other valuable and rare books shall not be lent out.
  • Before leaving the Library, the student shall satisfy himself as to whether the book lent is in sound physical condition, if not the student shall immediately bring the matter to the notice of the concern person/Librarian, otherwise the students is liable to be hold responsible for replacement of the book for any defects or damage.
  • After the end of academic year, all the student of Dhing College must return all library book(s) before or end the followings exam. But if Library Book(s) is not returned within 10 days at the end of following exam then he/she will have to pay fine Rs.@500/- (five hundred rupees) and in this case no excuse will be considered.
  • Book(s) shall not be issued on 2nd & 4th Saturday of every month. But Return/Re-issue/Renewal is open for all classes.

Under this facility 4 (four) books are issued only for BPL/Poor students. Separate Book Bank Forms are available in the circulation desk. Book(s) under Book Bank category are issued to students till the end of their examination.

  • The Library Authority may refuse, under any circumstance, admission into the library without showing reason thereof.
  • Any infringement of the above rules will render a student liable to lose the rights of all kinds of library facilities including library membership. In this regard, the decision of Library Authority will be final and binding.
Library Committee: Ratnakanta Barkakati Library, Dhing College, Nagaon (Assam)
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